Catalog of deposits of facing stone of Ukraine

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Catalog of deposits of facing stone of Ukraine

“Каталог декоративный камень”

Ukraine possesses considerable resources of natural stone, which is used as a raw material for the production of facing products. The variety of mineral composition, structure and texture in combination with high physical, mechanical and decorative properties makes it an indispensable building material, and the combination of such properties of natural stone as color, decorative, durability, resisting the processes of weathering, etc., causes its use in various architectures, versatility and design.

The state balance of mineral resources of Ukraine includes 245 deposits of facing stone with a total reserves of about 330 million cubic meters, of which 129 fields are currently being developed. In addition to the well-researched, there are a large number of pre-explored fields, some of which have been sampled, but for various reasons (mostly lack of funding), geological exploration reports have not passed the state examination of the reserves and therefore their stocks are not taken into account by the State Balance Sheet. In addition, there are many searchable and assessed promising sites, as well as points where sporadic stone extraction was carried out by local populations for local needs. All of these sites deserve close attention and investment in order to use them further.

The offered catalog is our attempt to restore attention to the facing stone of Ukraine.
We are ready to listen to any claims, remarks and suggestions that will be taken into consideration in future issues of the catalog.

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