Ivonivetsky-2 enderbit and granite deposit

Ivonivetsky-2 enderbit and granite deposit

Ивоноватское -2 месторождение красных гранитов
  • Ivonivetsky-2 enderbit and granite deposit
  • Тоpгова назва:

    GR, GP – Івонівецьке

  • Location

    The deposit is located in the Tivri district of Vinnytsia region, to the southeast of the village Ivonivtsi (0.8 km from village).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -cm-
Ивоноватское -2 месторождение красных гранитов
GR - Ivonivetsky-2
полихромный гранит Ивоновецкое -2 месторождение
GP - Ivonivetske-2
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  • Name of the deposit:

    Ivonivetsky-2 enderbit and granite deposit

  • The name of the stone is petrographic, own, trade.
  • Petrographic – enderbite and granite;
    Own – “enderbite and granite of Ivonetsky-2 deposit”;
    Trademark – not registered

  • Quarry owner
  • The Ivonovetsky-2 deposit was investigated by the Private Enterprise “Venada” in 2007-2010 at the request of the “Girnyk” Limited Liability Company, which since 1995 carried out industrial development of Ivonivetsky deposit of enderbite and granite in order to expand its mineral base.
    In 2011, the reserves of the deposit were approved by the State Commission on Reserves of Ukraine (Protocol No. 2270).
    LLC “Girnyk” carried out trial mining according to Special Permit to geological exploration of mines No. 3056 of 04.10.2007 on October 27, 2010 in connection with expiration of Special Permit is cancelled.
    16.08.2019 Private company “Venada” issued a Special Permit for the Use of Subsoil No. 6355 dated 16.08.2019 valid until 16/08/2039.

  • Geographical location
  • The deposit is located in the Tivri district of Vinnytsia region, to the southeast of the village Ivonivtsi (0.8 km from village).
    The area of the deposit is 4.30 ha.

    • Geographic coordinates
    • P.1 P.2 P.3 P.4 P.5 P.6 P.7 P.8
      North latitude 48053’54’’ 48053’54’’ 48053’55’’ 48053’55’’ 48053’49’’ 48053’52’’ 48053’53’’ 48053’53’’
      East longitude 28036’02’’ 28036’03’’ 28036’12’’ 28036’24’’ 28036’21’’ 28036’09’’ 28036’04’’ 28036’02’’
      • Quarry access roads, transport thoroughfares, availability of nearby railway stations
      • The nearest railway station is Yukhimovtsy, 17 km from the SW deposit.

  • Stones of the deposit
  • GStones at the deposit are enderbite and granite. Enderbite is stone of dark gray, gray to black, with a greenish tinge, mostly medium-grained, massive, with a vaguely variegated shale texture. Granite forming mainly veins with an angle of inclination of about 45o, lenses and nests are represented by pegmatite formation. Thickness of granite bodies from the first cm to 12.9 m. Contacts with enderbite are more often sharp, at an angle of 35-45 ° to the axis of the core, rarely blurred, sometimes forming alternation of granite and enderbite with veins with a thickness from 10-30 cm to 0.5-1 m. Granite color from pink-gray to pink. The texture is massive and the structure is pegmatite.

    • Reserves and Resource as of 01.01.2020.
    • Total = 817 thousand m3, including category Probable – 128 thousand m3 and Measured Mineral Resources – 689 thousand m3.
      The output of the blocks is –

      • Physical & mechanical properties
        Unit name Value for enderbite Value for granite Value Units
        Bulk weight 2.26 – 2.79 2.71 – 2.77 mt/m3
        Density 2.77 – 2.83 2.78 – 2.83 mt/m3
        Porosity 1.06 – 2.89 1.78 – 2.52 %
        Water absorption 0.10 – 0.18 0.10 – 0.12 %
        Tensile strength when compressed in air-dry condition 214 – 257 231 – 265 MPa
        The limit of compressive strength in water-saturated state 183 – 246 213 – 227 MPa
        Strength reduction factor after water saturation 0.80 – 0.96 0.86 – 0.92
        Межа міцності при стисканні після 50 циклів заморожування 167 – 208 190 – 204 MPa
        Втрата міцності після 50 циклів заморожування %
        Коефіцієнт морозостійкості
        Марка морозостійкості
        Стиранність g/cm2
        Сумарна питома активність природних радіонуклідів Bq/kg
      • Mineral composition
      • Name of mineral Content for enderbite, % Content for granite, %
        Microcline < 1 60 – 70
        Plagioclase 35 – 80
        Quartz 5 – 10 30 – 35
        Biotite 3 – 20 0 – 5
        Hypersten 0 – 30 < 1
        Accessory minerals 0 – 5 < 1
      • Chemical composition
      • SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 CaO MgO K2O Na2O SO3
        63,55-70,79 14,27-17,76 1,57-4,73 0,07-0,59 2,22-4,24 0,55-2,92 1,81-7,19 2,04-4,13 0,07-0,53

Holder of the Special Permit for the development of the Ivonovetsky-2 deposit (Special Permit No. 6355 of 16/08/2019)
“Venada” Private Company
23300, Vinnytsia region, Tyvriv district, Tyvriv urban-type settlement, Zabuzhzha street, 15 building
Director: Natalia Biloivan