Granite Red (GR)

Red Granite (GR)

red granite граниты красные

Granite red (GR) is highly valued as a decorative stone. In addition to grays and reds, there are granites that are colored in pink, orange, yellow, brown and green. Granites are characterized by highly crystalline medium- and coarse-grained structures, whereby grains of rock-forming minerals are distinguished by the naked eye. Moreover, the characteristic crystalline appearance of granite is given by feldspar grains, which on fresh break show their inherent perfect cleavage. Usually, granite is a uniformly granular rock.

Granite red (GR) is a magmatic rock of the plutonic depth class, the main rock-forming minerals of which are quartz (25-35%), acidic plagioclase (5-65%) and K-Na feldspar (5-65%). Common granite minor minerals are biotite and hornblende, whose total content does not exceed 10%. Some varieties of granites in minor and accessory quantities may also include muscovite, tourmaline, cordierite, garnet, and pyroxenes.

The most important physical and mechanical characteristics of granites are determined by their quartz-feldspar composition and homogeneous crystalline structure. 0.2-4%) and water absorption (0.15-1.3%) most of the granites belong to the category of strong and heavy decorative stones with low porosity and water absorption. The last two indicators determine the good frost resistance of granites. Given their high chemical resistance, it is not surprising that granites are one of the most durable representatives of natural decorative stones.

Most of the granites currently used as ornamental stones are in Class 1 (Ac ≤ 370 Bq / kg), ie suitable for the construction of residential and public buildings, as well as all other types of construction without restriction.


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